Canberra High School

Parents & Citizens Assoc.

The Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) is a great way to meet other families, stay informed, share ideas and be involved with our school.


The P&C welcomes all Canberra High families and community members. We are a group of enthusiastic parents and carers who contribute to the school and students through community building, events, the second-hand uniform store, fundraising and more

We are always keen to hear new ideas that support our school and students!

If you would like to know more or are able to offer some time or expertise, please come along to a meeting or email:


Join our next meeting to find out about our activities, share your ideas, and to hear updates from our Principal, Board and others about what’s happening around school. 

P&C meetings are usually held twice per term between 7.00 to 9.00pm on Tuesdays of Weeks Three and Eight. 

For specific meeting dates, refer to the Canberra High newsletter or the calendar on the school website:

Second-hand Uniform Store

The second-hand Uniform Store is run by dedicated P&C volunteers to provide families with a range of pre-loved items at very competitive prices. 

Second-hand items can be purchased at events such as the Year 7 information night. 

Interested parents can also contact the Front Office or the Uniform Store coordinator to arrange a time to come in:

Front Office phone: (02) 6142 0800; email:

Uniform Store coordinator:

Please leave donations of good quality second-hand uniforms at the Front Office – thanks!

Activities and Fundraising

A hard-working team of P&C volunteers coordinate a range of events and fundraising activities for families and students throughout the year, including Trivia Nights, Bunnings BBQs, cherries, Entertainment Books, and community partnership programs with organisations such as Grill’d Belconnen and the Canberra Southern Cross Club.

The fundraising efforts of our amazing volunteers has enabled the P&C to support a range of school projects and activities such as:

basketball court backboards, rims and hoops

battery-operated portable LED lighting kit for media arts classes

student Mental Health Ambassadors training workshop

picnic tables and chairs for the inner quad and inner science quad

digital camera kits for photo media classes

professional writers to deliver workshops for students at the writers camp
motivational speaker for Year 9 Leadership Day
portable Bluetooth soundbox creation student project
support for students representing school at the F1 in Schools competition
annual student awards in recognition of community contributions
appreciation gifts and catering for teachers and staff including on World Teachers Day 

digitisation of CHS Yearbooks for the CHS Archive Society

laser cutter and engraver
support for students representing the school at the Tournament of Minds competition.

The P&C is also pleased to have sourced a range of government and non-government grants for school initiatives such as:

‘grab and go’ vegetable garden, herb garden and small fruit tree orchard
upgrade of the science building courtyard 

electronic scoreboard for the school gymnasium
development of the Indigenous Garden
parent information forums such as the Safe & Inclusive Schools presentations
library resources for student services related to raising teenagers, teen resilience building, mindfulness and parent/teen relationships
catering for family events such as the Year 7 information night and ‘100 days of school’ celebrations
library resources to support students and parents understanding of Indigenous Australia through poetry, photography and storytelling
school prospectus for Year 7 students and families
IT equipment for live-streaming P&C meetings and other school activities.

Community Partnership - Canberra Southern Cross Club 

Did you know when you dine at the Canberra Southern Cross Club (Jamison, Tuggeranong, Woden or the Yacht Club Yarralumla), 7.5% of your meal and beverage value can be donated back to the P&C?

Connect your membership card to our school at a local Club or use this link to sign up online:

Entertainment Book membership

Entertainment Book memberships provide a range of offers on gift cards, dining, shopping, travel and more. 

When you buy through this link the P&C receives $14 from each book: